Friday, December 31, 2010

Nintendo games on your wall

Say what! Now I know we had make your own mario levels with magnets, but this is definitely  a 1-up!...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Instant pictures from a cardboard made camera

This is a very interesting concept. Keep reading for all the details! ...

Get pixilated while you sleep!

Be a sleepy nerd with these eye masksThey come in many assorted colors, check it...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Shoot film with your pistol camera

Pistol shaped videocamer...

Showing science through snack food

You can see Cellular Mitosis process and Chromosomes through our favorite snacks! Keep reading to see the rest of the donut Cellular mitosis and more...

Iphone controlled beer fridge cannon

Yes you read the title correctly. You have to see the video to believe ...

Sweet Plug and Socket Rings

Awesome rings!...

Control a naked guy on a bike

For the game Icycle you control an ice age survivor...whose naked. Don't worry, you don't see his jun...

Bomb shaped timer

This nifty timer is in the shape of a bomb. When the time runs out theres no explosion, only a din...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pac-Man oven mitt

Eat those ghosts with your oven mitt! Okay maybe only hold hot pans....

Old school camera pencil sharpener

Cant sharpen your photos?  Sharpen your pencils instea...

Rubik's cube art

This isn't just a pixelated picture, its a picture made from rubik's cube...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Typewriter waffle maker

A typewriter recycled into a waffle maker....

Make your own Super Mario Bros level with Magnets

When mom or girlfriend yells at you to "stop playing Super Mario bros!", stick it to her and go play  the bros on the fridg...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Be a warrior with your ice swords

Okay maybe you cant really be a Spartan or a pirate with these. But, you can pretend and make your drink nice and col...

Super nintendo bedding

Sweet beddi...

Funny comic about the world of buying apps

From The Oatmeal! Keep reading for the rest of the comi...

Ninja Lesson: Making the ninja mask

Ever wanted to become a ninja? Heres a basic lesson that can be the first step to becoming the ninja warrior  you've always wanted to be! Keep going for the steps for the ninja mas...

Tree grown as a chair

No cutting or pasting involved. These trees are literally grown into the shape desire...

Floppy disk sticky notes

Can you disk-it...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dish towels that look like paper

Make that graphing paper you never used useful and do the dishes with it. Kidding! These dish towels are just made to look like pape...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sweet new beer dispenser, fills cups from the bottom

All I have to say is Wow! This fills up the beer from the bottom of the cups. Keep reading for the video...

S&N Accessories: Envelope messenger bag

Check out this sweet messenger ba...

Spiderman now a broadway musical


Thursday, December 23, 2010

16 Sweet Macbook decals

In the opinion of Sweet & Nerdy, these are 16 Sweet Macbook decals....

Sweet movie: Hanna

Awesome looking movie coming out. HANNA...

Mutilated Apple products!

Don't flinch yet! These destroyed Apple electronics are purposely destroyed every way possible as an art concep...

Nerdy style gingerbread houses

In the spirit of the holiday season, here are a couple Sweet & Nerdy Gingerbread houses. Lord Of The Rings Hobbit ho...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Coffee table that looks and works as a Super Nintendo Controller

This is a hand made coffee table made to look like a NES controller. But, the real fun of this table is it actually works with your ninten...

Video game inspired drinks

Cant get enough of Super Mario Bros, well put the controller away and down a warp pipe! The Warp Pipe Instructions Check out more Mario Bros and other video game inspired drin...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Necklace that lights up to the beat of your heart

This programmed pendant flashes its lights to the beat of your heart....

Sweet way to have your Facebook profile pic

So, you don't want to give in and switch to the new Facebook profile. But the day you do, or Facebook forces you to, theres a nifty little profile "hack" that can make the new change well, sweet...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Play Jenga online

Yet another online game to keep us on the internet for countless hours. Jenga....

Sunday, December 19, 2010

S&N Accessories: Camera lens bracelets

These camera lens bracelets are just like the Livestrong bracelets but for the photography nerd in you...

QWOP: hardest game encountered in a while

The flash game QWOP is very challenging, using only 4 keys to try and make your character ru...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Make your own Star Wars snowflakes

This lady was making snowflakes arts and crafts with her kids one day and noticed one of hers sons creation looked like a stormtrooper....

Clock that spells the time to you

The QLOCKTWO is a clock whose letters light up to spell out the time....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Typewriter art

This isn't your everyday art, this art is made with old fashion typewriters...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Sweet & Nerdy Macbook cake

An actual cake made into the shape of a macbook pro. Take that cake boss! Via Everything Apple, pinoyne...

Old school Lite Brite on todays technology

Check out this online Lite Brite!...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Darth Vader toaster

Darth Vader on your toas...

Make a paper robot

Forget those paper airplanes. Entertain yourself with these paper robots...

Tron inspired ice hotel room

This Tron inspired hotel room is located in sweden...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Camera made out of paperboard

This camera is carefully sculpted out of paperboard.  This artist has many more camera designs...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Just the day in life of a Stormtrooper

Ever wondered what those Stormtroopers are up to these days? More of the Stormtroopers day to day activities...

Ugly sweater shirt

Forget the ugly sweater, get the ugly sweater shirt...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tomb Raider: The Beginning

This new edition to the Tomb Raider series will be the beginnings of Lara Croft....

Monday, December 6, 2010

Spiderman and Iron Man Snowmen

A man in the UK sculptured Spiderman and Ironman out of snow for his 5 year old. More pics ...

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