Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sweet way to have your Facebook profile pic

So, you don't want to give in and switch to the new Facebook profile. But the day you do, or Facebook forces you to, theres a nifty little profile "hack" that can make the new change well, sweet!

This guy, Alexandre Oudin, was sort of the father of this concept. Before, it took a lot of complicated steps to create this hacked profile variation. Now, thanks to Pic Scatter, you can create a brand new Facebook look in one step.

All you have to do is upload a picture and it does the correct slicing to format it onto you profile. You will need a pretty large picture for it to work.
So go check out Pic Scatter and give it a try. Even if you don't actually make it you profile pic, its still fun to see.

via Photojojo

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